1 Gigabit WAN port 3 Gigabit LAN/WAN ports 1 Gigabit LAN ports
Network Media
10BASE-T: UTP category 3, 4, 5 cable (Max 100 m) EIA/TIA-568 100Ω STP (Max 100 m) 100BASE-TX: UTP category 5, 5e cable (Max 100 m) EIA/TIA-568 100Ω STP (Max 100 m) 1000BASE-T: UTP category 5e, 6 cable (Max 100 m)
Reset Button
Power Supply
External 12V/1A DC Adapter
16 MB NOR Flash
128 MB DDR
PWR, SYS, WAN (Link/Act), LAN (Link/Act)
Dimensions ( W x D x H )
119×85×28 mm
Installment options can be changed according to the credit card case like commercial and personal. Installment options are displayed on the list price. You can display installment options by the discount prices on the payment page.